Who is Venluree Blind Services?

We are the original Venluree

If you are reading this then you have come to the original Venluree Ltd website and rest assured we are the original genuine blind company that is a household name in New Zealand and have been in business supplying quality product to New Zealanders for over 45 years.

venluree blind services we are the origional
Aluminium Venetian Blind with Roman Blind installed in long window next to brown couch in living room

How did it get confusing?

Many years ago Venluree Ltd cleaned and repaired blinds, we also sold and still do, a wide range of window coverings, including Venetian Blinds, Roller Blinds, Vertical Blinds, Custom NZ Made Curtains, Roman Blinds, Awnings, Plantation Shutters and various other product lines.

We sold our previous blind cleaning division to concentrate on our main business, blind manufacturing and selling new products. Part of this sale included the right to use the Venluree name, this was primarily done so that it would help to establish their blind cleaning business Venluree Blind Services and give them some help in the market.

So that’s where it all started

You may be wondering why we are giving you this information. Well we are aware that many people have purchased blinds from Venluree Blind Services believing they are dealing with the original Venluree and unfortunately have not been told they are not dealing with us and have not been made aware of the fact there are two companies.

It’s simple, at Venluree we pride ourselves on being honest, ethical and above all open about who we are and what we represent, we have enjoyed providing window covering products to thousands of New Zealand homes and believe that people should know who they are dealing with when making a decision to purchase from a company.

If you would like any further information regarding the ORIGINAL Venluree Ltd and what we can offer, please call our toll free number or drop us an email and we will clear up any confusion you may have over the two companies.

Follow this link to find out about our current blind cleaning and repair services in Auckland.


If you have a project in mind or would like to discuss our capabilities, please complete this form or call us on 0800 836 587